The nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty is considered a riddle. If so, then what is the answer?
In the riddle, the wall represents duality and Humpty Dumpty represents the zero point factor that resides between the two sides. He is an egg because, by having access to both sides, he is a creative factor.
An egg that takes the shape of zero. A numerological note is that when he is on the wall he is also a 9. 9 is a number that is both everything and nothing, and can’t be cracked (is non-dual.)
But he falls off. By falling off to one side of duality he becomes finite. The finite always tries reclaim wholeness, but can’t because it lost access the other side that would make it whole.
The finite therefore applies finite answers to the wholeness problem. This exacerbates the problem and complexity arises. Therefore, all the kings horses and all the kings men become the failed, and quite ridiculous solution.
It’s quite amazing that an innocuous 4 line nursery rhyme was embedded in our lineage containing the key to our transformation.